Local marketing – let’s get out there!

by Jo Howarth, on Jun 25, 2021 9:21:23 AM

Welcome back

One way to let people know we’re still around and ready to say hello is using the local marketing tools that are available for you on the agency hub.

Pick and mix

The great thing is you can choose what’s right for you - we’re all in different communities and can have different business areas we want to focus on, or already specialise in. But you can also try something different, you never know until you try it!

What’s available – a quick recap

Here’s just some of the templates you can chose from:

Local marketing in action - growth success for Talbot Green

Andrew Nash and his team at Talbot Green set themselves an ambitious growth plan of 15% for 2021 and have been using the local marketing tools to support this.

They began by ordering 1,000 leaflets which Andrew hand delivered earlier in the year, and they’ve just ordered another 1,000 which he’ll be distributing to a different area. To maximise the impact, they also took out adverts in local magazines and newspapers:

This has been really successful and they’re nearly up to 13% growth for the year already. They’ll be reviewing this figure again at the end of July to see the impact of the second phase of activity, but what an impressive result.

Local marking in action – ‘re-launching’ Gillingham

Gillingham have recently been through a period of transition – with their non YBS business moved over to another company and new colleagues joining the team. So, the timing feels right for a mini ‘relaunch’ of the agency.

They’re planning a focus day for early August, to invite customers in for coffee, cake and a chat about what they can help with. They’ve been working through the hub to get adverts out in the local newspaper and will be completing leaflet drops to promote the day and raise the profile of the agency. They’ve also making use of the promotional items available, so will have goodies to hand out on the day.

Simon Edwards, Development Manager South Coast explained how it’s going to work “The ultimate goal of the event is to raise the profile of the agency locally, especially as there’s only one other financial institution left in Gillingham. It’s a real opportunity to get the name of the agency out there, get to the know their customers and introduce the new team members. Not forgetting showing customers the fantastic customer experience the agency team offers.

For me it’s a fantastic use of proactive marketing and profile raising, to ultimate build on the great customers service the agency already offer, to really start to become locally famous in Gillingham. I’m really looking forward to seeing the success and outcomes from the open day.”

Top tips

  • Be very clear about what your goal is – it could be driving people into your agency, an increase in specific business or general awareness.
  • Be mindful of any Covid restrictions that might still be in place – consider future dates when hopefully things are back to normal.
  • Plan your timings. Ensure you have enough time to meet all the deadlines and support your activity dates. When there is a competitor closing in your local area it’s often a great time to try to attract new customers.
  • Think about how you will measure the results of the activity. Gather feedback from customers e.g. did they see the advert, door drop?

Find out more and give it a go

Don’t forget to speak to your Development Manager - they have lots of experience and will be able to guide you. There’s also information on the agency hub, with loads more detail and tips.
