by Catherine Nessworthy, on Dec 15, 2020 3:18:23 PM

As we come to the end of 2020, we’re using this last edition to look back over the Growth Series content we’ve provided this year. There’s a quick reminder summary …

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Topics:marketingGrowing your businessDave's monthly digestchannelsonline securityTraining

by David Smith, on Sep 23, 2020 1:31:21 PM

Good Morning all, Welcome to September’s monthly digest! For this month’s Savings update, I’d like to hand over to our new Director of Savings to tell you about a restructure …

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Topics:Dave's monthly digest

by David Smith, on Aug 26, 2020 10:50:08 AM

Good morning all, Welcome to August’s Monthly Digest! I thought summer had been and gone back in April when we were all locked down, so it’s been good to have …

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Topics:Dave's monthly digest

by David Smith, on Jul 29, 2020 11:20:14 AM

Good morning all, Welcome to July’s Digest, I hope you are all well? I have managed to have a 2 week break (In the UK!). I hope you have managed …

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Topics:Dave's monthly digest

by David Smith, on Jun 18, 2020 9:18:07 AM

Good Morning All, Welcome to my June Monthly Digest. I hope this message finds you well, as we continue to navigate through the challenging circumstances we have now been operating …

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Topics:Dave's monthly digest

by Catherine Nessworthy, on Jun 18, 2020 9:17:23 AM

Business in an uncertain climate We know how hard things are for businesses right now, and have been for several months. The unexpected appearance of Covid-19 has caused many challenges …

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Topics:Dave's monthly digest

by David Smith, on May 13, 2020 9:38:59 AM

Good Morning All, Welcome to my May Monthly Digest. I hope you are all well. Since the latest digest I sent in February, it’s fair to say that a lot …

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Topics:Dave's monthly digest

by David Smith, on Feb 28, 2020 9:39:40 AM

Good morning all, Welcome to my end of February update. As you will have seen from the message I sent yesterday here, we have announced our annual results. You will …

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Topics:Dave's monthly digest

by Catherine Nessworthy, on Feb 26, 2020 10:14:44 AM

Tax free saving has become more complex since the introduction of the Personal Savings Allowance (PSA) in 2016, making ISAs no longer the only tax free savings option. We recognise …

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Topics:Dave's monthly digestISA Saving

by Catherine Nessworthy, on Jan 27, 2020 10:17:19 AM

As you’ll know, we’re here to help customers with real life. As part of that, we think it’s really important for them to get into good savings habits - and …

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Topics:Dave's monthly digestsavings