by Lauren Russell, on Dec 1, 2022 1:00:52 PM

Getting on board with the digital agenda; e-enablement; the benefits of the app. Following the recent milestone of the savings app turning 2, we wanted to highlight some of the …

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Topics:The Growth Seriesonlinecustomer onboardingMaximising your place in the local communityGrowing your businessCustomer retentionTraining

by David Smith, on Jul 24, 2019 10:02:52 AM

Being the firm to turn to in your local area is a position sought after by many, and is an invaluable position to be in. Here’s a few tips to …

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Topics:customer onboardinginfluencer

by David Smith, on Jul 10, 2019 10:45:00 AM

Customer onboarding is the journey you take customers through during and following the sale. It encompasses all their interactions and engagements with your business, ideally to enhance the customer experience …

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Topics:customer onboarding